The Blueprint Process for Building a long Term Successful Network Marketing Business from Scratch

Your 4 Module Training Program + Bonuses

Do you ever wonder if you really can succeed in network marketing? Perhaps you’ve read some books, invested in some training, and even have a system to work. But you still question that it will work for you. Would it make it easier to believe if you knew…

  • How to Talk to Prospects so more would want to check out your offer
  • Exactly who to talk to
  • How to tell you’re your story in a magnetic way
  • How to follow up effectively and professionally
  • How to use your time the best way possible for the best results
  • Exactly what to do to be a master in all the fundamentals of success
  • You can apply your own style to grow your business

I understand how it feels to want it but not believe you can do it. This is exactly how I started 28 years ago. And I have never forgotten how it feels. That’s a big reason why I created this program for you.  Before I go any further, I’ve got to share with you a big truth that you might not believe now, but you will eventually if you follow what I teach… You are enough. You Have All You Need. You Simply Have to Become the Best YOU Possible, while consistently working a process that is natural for you.

What I teach you will allow you to build a long term sustainable network marketing business that you can be proud of

Build a Long Term Network Marketing Business without pressure and hype

The Process You Will Learn Will Allow You to Use Your Own Personality Style and Gifts to Succeed at Whatever Level You Choose.

You will not learn any hype or pressure tactics. There is too much of that in the world, and I simply don’t believe in it. You will learn to build a true long term sustainable business. Have you ever met one of those people who hypes and pushes you so much that when you see them coming at you on the sidewalk you cross the street to avoid them? That will not be you! You will work in such a way that people will welcome your call and be glad to see you. You will develop an awesome reputation in your community. You will be highly respected. You will be someone people like, trust, and want to do business with. If you are already like this, it will be even easier for you. You will be able to apply these principles and fundamentals in person, by phone, and online. It won’t matter how you work it. It works. Here’s an overview of what you will receive:

Pick Up This Step-by-Step 4-Module Training + Bonuses for only $ 97

(* the price can vary depending on your currency or VAT rate)

Obstacles in Network Marketing

Video Module 1 – Success Starts From the Inside Out

A Clear View of the Bigger Picture (1:40) ( You will dive right into understanding all the mega benefits for your life and the people you care about that will come from the adventure you are embarking on)

Understanding Your Deep Motivators (4:50) (Knowing what drives you is essential to pushing through times of challenge, this is where you find your true drivers)

Developing The Success Mindset (16:00) (You have what it takes to build your business, and here is where you begin to see why you are capable of building the business of your dreams)

Identifying Your Obstacles (22:02) (You will discover the 5 primary obstacles and how you will move past them and how they will make you stronger)

A Simple Process to Work (29:50) (Much like a farmer, you will learn a simple process of work and how it will consistently yield you a harvest)

Efficient approach in Network Marketing

Video Module 2 – Preparing the Soil and Becoming a Master Prospector

The Easy Way to Stand Out from the Crowd (2:30) (You will learn an easy set of behaviors that minimize resistance and make people receptive to learning about what you are doing)

How to Make an Awesome List (5:20) (You will be shocked at how many people you will be able to talk to once you learn this fundamental)

How to Be Time Efficient in Making Contacts (29:16) (You will learn how to work smart in the time you have and be highly efficient)

What to Say in the Approach (33:15) (You will have highly effective approach verbiage that works incredibly well for anyone and connects with your prospect)

What Never to Do When Prospecting (47:20) (It’s important to know what NOT to do, and here I give you a big mistake lots of people make, but you never will!)

Storytelling and presenting in Network Marketing

Video Module 3 – Planting the Seed and Telling Your Story

How to Effectively Present Your Offer (5:05) (The story based style you will learn is duplicable and the most effective way to present without having to be a “presenter.”)

How to Position Your Story so Your Prospect is Wide Open (7:35) (You will learn the easy way to have your prospect be all ears when you share.)

How to Tell Your Story (12:37) (Your unique story is powerful and you will learn a specific recipe for telling it the best way possible.)

How to Make it Easy to Say Yes (22:15) (You will learn exactly how to include what is important to your prospect so they are more likely to join you.)

How to Move Them into Involvement (33:15) (You don’t need to be an expert presenter or closer to sponsor using these easy to follow steps.)

Follow up like a professional

Video Module 4 – Getting to The Harvest

How to Follow up like a Professional (4:36) (Follow up is a major factor in your success and you will learn all the ins and outs of doing this like a pro.)

Strengthening Your Credibility (6:30) (Like and Trust are essential for someone doing business with you. How this grows in the follow up will be laid out for you and it will make a huge difference in sponsoring more people in the future.)

The Ideal Frequency for Following up (8:15) (There is a fine line between too much and not enough, and you will get an exact formula that works so you know exactly what to do.)

How to Stand out Among the Crowd (13:49) (Your customers do business with many people, you will learn some simple time tested ways to set yourself above the rest and be unforgettable!)

Creating the Retention Platform (17:00) (You will learn some simple ways to create strong retention of your customers and business partners)

Referral Marketing Extra Bonus

You´ll also get these Bonuses!

All 4 Modules as mp3 files (Value: $ 77)

It’s been said that “Repetition is the Mother of Skill.” These MP3 Recordings of the entire program will help you develop your skills wherever you are!
Referral Marketing Workbook

The Blueprint Process Workbook (Ebook) (Value: $ 17)

You will be able to create a living physical blueprint for how you will work. As Todd walks you through all the important aspects of the process in the Video, you will be able to “workshop” it yourself to have right in front of you as a quick reference. In addition, this Workbook will help you design your best way of relating with others for maximum effectiveness.

6 Decisions for Success Audio mp3 (Value: $ 7)

Success in life starts with a series of thoughtful decisions. No one reaches the top in any endeavor without deciding to do so. Anything of value requires us to grow and endure all that life will throw at us in an attempt to keep us from fulfilling our potential. This isn’t a negative thing, it’s simply reality. These are the challenges that will make us better and allow us to grow and climb to new heights. We need to embrace the fact that if we are not encountering difficulties, we are probably not doing very much. Life can be an adventurous and exhilarating ride full of wonderful surprises and rewards. We simply need to decide to succeed. The 6 Decisions will show you the way.

6 Decisions for Success Workbook (Value: $ 17)

This workbook (pdf) will guide you along as you explore your six decisions. You will wipe out excuses, see how your accomplishments serve as a platform for success, and identify your strengths. You will have some fun figuring out what you want and how to get it. And a whole lot more.

27 Phrases that Really Work in Prospecting for Your Home Business Ebook (Value: $ 17)

This ebook (pdf) is the transcript from Todd’s 27 Phrases that work MP3. It is full of the most effective things to say and will help you further craft your contacting language to become a master prospector.

Make a positive impact in your business and in your whole life!

To sum it up, the personal development aspects, business skills, and process you learn in this training will help you build a foundation for your business and also positively impact everything else you do in life.

The Retail value of all, including the 4 Blueprint Process Video Modules is $ 297 + Bonuses $ 135 …total is $ 432.

But my mission is to help the people who start where I did so I am making this available for you for only $ 97 !!!!

So you get the awesome bonuses for free that will further make a difference for you. I can’t guarantee you will succeed because that part is up to you.

I can guarantee you will love the information and it will pave the road for you as you go forward.


30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

I guarantee you’ll be so blown away at the value you’ll receive that I’m offering you my 30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Join me and watch the recording, and if you’re not 100% satisfied, simply contact me within 60 days and I’ll refund your investment.

Please Note: The visual representation on this page showing the product is only a representation of the course. This course is in digital online format which can be accessed via our secure membership site which you will be able to access immediately upon purchase. This course contains streaming videos, audios, and downloads. There is NO physical product that will be shipped or mailed to you. By purchasing this product you acknowledge that you understand and accept these terms.